Monday, August 2, 2010


In the past two weeks Cole's crawling has really improved. No more army crawling or rocking on all fours, this Boy is mobile! With increased mobility also comes the need for more space. If you remember Cole's "cage" there really wasn't much room in there for him to cruise around. It was just a safe space to plop him if we needed to take Bella out, unload the dishwasher or change the laundry. Back in those days the goal was to keep Bella out...doesn't look like Cole was getting up to go anywhere.

Whose tiny baby is that?
Enter our playroom-dining room hybrid. Enough space for Cole to crawl around like mad and it is baby-safe. Of course it is the biggest room in our house which actually works because now the whole family can all fit in Cole's cage. He and Bella play - this really means he crawls towards Bella making loud baby noises and she gets upset and runs away. Nick and I can eat, fold laundry or go through the mail. If need be we can leave him alone in the room...although Cole seems to be developing a nasty case of separation anxiety, so he would prefer we stay put.  Some of the fun we are having in this new space:

Inflatable toy wrestling

Balling wearing some of Dad's sweet bands



Lots of stuff to sniff

Baby-proofing gadgets


Nick is very jealous that Cole has a room devoted to his needs. He has been wanting to set aside some space, anywhere in the house, for an office. He really does need this space because he is constantly spreading bills and other annoying stuff from his rental property all over the house and then doesn't clean it up. There is no room for that so instead he got a box.

And if he doesn't clean that up and put it away as instructed...he gets nothing.

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