Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekend in the North Woods

We are back from a weekend in Laona, WI! [slow posting means we have actually been back for 2 weeks]. After packing the car up to the ceiling with various baby necessities we set out for our 4 hour drive "up north." Once there, we spent over an hour unpacking everything, stayed for about 36 hours, spent another 2 hours packing the car and once home, a few more hours unpacking. Packing and unpacking was a dominant theme in our weekend.

Although a short visit, it was great to hang out with our friends. We ate tons of great food, drank lots of beer, and sat around the campfire and ate smores. Thank you to the High family for a fun time! Cole was a trooper; he did great on the long car rides and slept well at night.

Some weekend highlights include finding a tick on my leg before it burrowed in, Jason not catching a fish, Tyler struggling to get back on the pontoon without a ladder, shooting guns (we can only communicate with Jason via text or email now) and Scott tripping over Cole's jumper and taking a full 6 minutes, with lots of groaning and drama, to finally fall to the floor. Highlights we caught on camera...

Meeting Ryan and Emily for the 1st time

Best buds with Tyler after hanging in the back seat together for 4 hours

Cole and Lucy...BFFs 4 EVA (although in this picture it appears Cole has set out to harm her). Now that I think about it, he did swat her in the face later that weekend too...we think Emily and Scott have forgiven us/him?

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