Wednesday, July 7, 2010

dad time

after our long weekend nick is home with cole for a few extra days. grandma debbie and grandma chris both decided to go on vacation the same week...leaving us with no day time baby care. seriously the nerve of those two. luckily for us nick still has a few vacation days he was able to use. so while i am stuck at work they are having a blast. nick sends me picutres and brief updates a lot, which i love. but it also makes me extra jealous.

Getting ready for a morning coffee walk.

Backpacking in the house

Turtle wrestling


The napping battle; Cole won the most important third round, resulting in no nap.

Stroller time

And this gem of a message : "Think I just gave myself pink eye. Desitin finger in the eye. Probably some residue on there."


  1. He is getting so big!! Very cute:)

  2. We had the same stroller toy. His name was "Charlie". Charlie had to come everyhwere with us!
