Wednesday, May 26, 2010

a day in the life

our lifestyle and days have certainly changed since having cole. it is a constant challenge to fit everything in and we never do. everyday is always a little different; for those considering kids or expecting - beware, for those remembering these days - enjoy, and for those of you currently experiencing days just like this - we understand!

5:30am: wake up to get ready for work after hitting snooze on my alarm 6x...nick will swear it was 8x

5:45am: out of the shower and contemplating if i should turn on the blow dryer and risk waking the baby...i listen for a moment and hear he is up and chatting to himself. smooth hair day it is!

6:15am: should have left for work 15 minutes ago but cole is up and happy so i stop in for a goodbye kiss. he is all smiles and soaking wet. i change his diaper and tell him to have a good day. he is happy to go back in his crib and look at his mobile.

7:10am: my first email from nick about their morning. cole is on his changing table trying to feed himself. he is wearing shorts and his chubby legs look so squeezable. i wish i could kiss him.

11:00am-1:00pm: after much discussion over email, nick and i decide to purchase an extendable sun shade for cole's new stroller. it zips on the existing canopy, can go down to his toes if need be and has built in UV protection. free shipping on amazon. i toss a drink holder and some pacifier clips into our cart. online shopping is awesome.

4:00pm: done with work! i hop in the car and race over to nick's mom's house. can't wait to see my bubber and hear about his day. i hope he napped for grandma!

4:40pm: on the highway heading home. no nap for cole during the day but he is sleeping now. i have my fingers crossed traffic is not horrible and cole doesn't wake up and lose his shit.

5:30pm: cole is asleep in his car seat by the front door. bella has been out and fed, and i have opened all the windows in the house so there is a nice breeze. i am on the couch finishing my People magazine. double awesome.

6:00pm: nick is home. baby is up. bella is going nuts. time to start dinner (why didn't i start it when everything was calm?).

6:40pm: quick walk with the family before bath and bedtime. bella is thrilled to be out and about and is sniffing everything. cole loves watching her from his stroller.

7:10pm: bathtime! i get cole's tub ready while he plays in his jumper. nick is cleaning up the kitchen, starting the dishwasher and making a bottle.

7:40pm: clean snuggly baby in my lap. we are rocking and cole is eating his bottle and holding my hand. one of my favorite times.

8:10pm: cole is in his room partying. woke up after i put him down and is rolling around in his crib and chatting. i choose to ignore him and will him to fall asleep. so glad it is not crying.

8:20pm: despite the 6 baskets of clean laundry that need folding i decide to watch the real housewives of NY. totally worth it.

9:00pm: tell nick i am going to bed. stop in to check on the babe and give him yet another kiss. nick stays up and folds all 6 baskets of laundry...guess that makes nick pretty damn awesome.

yesterday was a good day.


  1. I chose all 3 options... I love this blog!!!

  2. I am finally catching up on your blog....and I love this day too!
