Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby Torture

As a parent, you will try everything to make your baby smile or laugh, obviously a happy baby is better than a crabby baby.  The feeling you get when a smile spreads across their face or a giggle escapes is pretty awesome. The other day, I had Cole on the changing table and was making faces and noises to make him laugh.  As I was trying out different techniques I made quite the discovery. I hit an octave or tone that Cole hates, hates so much it brought him to tears. With this simple sound, Cole goes from smile to frown instantly. Admittedly, it is a pretty awful sound. He may hate me (hopefully only for a little while) for doing this, but Kristin and I have trouble resisting; it is pretty funny.  We demonstrated this trick for Crissy and Brett last Saturday and they also agreed it was pretty comical.  We decided to make a video and stop the tourture.  The first video has better faces but is poor quality, so we shot another one...yep, extending the torture for a few more minutes. No "Parent of the Year" awards for us, I guess.  Enjoy.


  1. kinda mean there guys. at least you have the video so you dont have to keep doing that, right?

  2. Yes, we have stopped. Although, probably only because he got used to the noise and doesn't do it anymore.


  3. ...But we do make him watch the video

