Thursday, December 19, 2019


We are currently making our way through all of the pre-Christmas traditions and activities. There seems like a lot and we don't even decorate the house.

So starting right after Thanksgiving I've tried to play as much Christmas music as possible. I'm sure Kristin hates that.

We also got out good ole Frosty, our Elf on the Shelf. We've been pretty good about moving him around this year. Previous years he has tended to really hang out in certain spots for days.

St. Nick
St. Nick of course came. The big ticket item this year was literally a ticket. The boys and I each got a ticket to WWE Friday Night Smackdown. We'll have a post on that later.

The poor twins didn't get to dig in their stocking until a day or two later. Sorry guys.

Cookie decorating & Santa
I wasn't part of this, but heard it was fun.

Always a nice surprise when Mrs. Clause decides to join. 

Tree Buying
The boys actually managed to pick out a reasonably sized tree. Little shits wouldn't pose nicely for a photo though.

Tree Decorating
Tree decorating went horribly. I thought we'd have a nice time watching a Christmas movie and decorating the tree, but the babies did not cooperate. There was a lot of yelling and running around. Henry's new Bucks ornament broke. Not a good time. Hopefully next year will go better.

Day 2 Kristin had to unplug the tree and get rid of the cord. Surprise surprise. 

Henry concert
There always needs to be some sort of Christmas concert or something. Henry seemed to be singing.

Coming up
And coming up we will have our annual limo and lights with the Heerey's. That has become a family favorite.

We'll also have to find time for a family Christmas movie night.

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