Monday, August 22, 2016

Congrats Jess & Dan

It's official. Jess and Dan are married and the boys have a new uncle. The wedding was definitely a success. It was at the Boerner Botanical Gardens and after only a 5 minute rain delay the weather turned and the ceremony went on without me sweating through my suit. The boys did a great job as ring bearers. Cole did not lose the rings, so that's huge. Henry took a wrong turn as he walked down, but we were able to run over to him and get him back on track. To be fair, he was following the sidewalk instead of going from the sidewalk onto the lawn area. I think that is just good parenting...he knew to stay on the sidewalk. A pretty funny moment overall...if you were there.

The boys stayed up late dancing and running around. Although, all of the kids absolutely refused to dance with their parents. Cole also lost his tooth during the reception.

Left picture is Henry going down the wrong path. Right picture, he's back on track.

Good news:  No farts during the ceremony at this wedding.

Normal Grandma approved this move. I don't think either of us realized that many people could see and were watching from inside the building. 

We were able to eat just in time. Henry was about to become Hangry...the very unbearable hungry and angry Henry.

All of my phone pics of the kids dancing are super blurry, but there was a lot of this.

I had to give it a bit of a tug, but we got it out.

Later Cole nicely asked me to not call him a hillbilly anymore. Whatev, Hillbilly. 


JB helped cut our grass. We're hoping this continues for most Sundays.

We stopped by the neighbor's house on Sunday. I took a pic, so I put it on here. Hi Cate!

Sunday Jess and Dan had everyone over for Qdoba. The kids took a break from playing outside to watch cat videos. Hopefully the boys won't now want a cat. That's not happening.