Thursday, February 18, 2016

Keep on keepin' on

As usual, life is busy and there is too much stuff going on. Work, kids, chores, activities, clubs, etc. It is nonstop and we just signed Cole up for science club and Lego club. I think our summer is pretty much booked up already. Anyway, in the spirit of trying to keep up with the blog, below are the latest and greatest updates on the adventures of Cole and Henry.

Cole lost another tooth awhile back and recently almost lost another one. His front tooth is now loose and his lip got pretty banged up after a classic "fall into a table with a blanket over your head" incident. Lots of blood, but he took it pretty well.

Cole is becoming a great reader. He also knows exactly where reading should be done. He does take shits that take him half a day, so he'll be reading novels in no time.

Kristin and I decided that since Cole is now 6 that we should probably stop posting inappropriate/embarrassing pics of him (e.g. when he's on the toilet). So this is the last one. Poor Hen still has about 18 months more of potentially embarrassing pic posts.

101st Day school pics...

We took the boys ice skating for the first time. I posted a short, not very good, not very exciting video at the bottom of the blog if you are super bored. It has been probably decades since either Kristin and I went ice skating. We did pretty well (and by well I mean we didn't fall), but our feet, ankles and legs were pretty tired and sore afterwards.

The kids have a new little hobby. They like to tape stuff to the walls. The house has never looked better??? Many of these are hung with an annoyingly large amount of scotch tape.

We celebrated Valentine's Day at our house and also at the Stear's. The boys got candy, toothbrushes, cool mirrored sunglasses so they can see what's behind them, books, and some other random stuff. Kristin was the only person who didn't get anything. Boo hoo!!!

Kristin taped daily valentine's on their door (looks like we know where they got the taping shit to walls idea). The boys really enjoyed them. 

I got to go to Cole's Valentine's Day Party at school. Henry was pretty funny. He just started playing with kids and doing everything they did as if he knew them and went to school there. He also made sure to say bye to every single kid before we left.

Someone forgot to remind Cole to pack his shoes so he was that kid who had to wear boots all day

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