Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mother's Day

Kristin is behind on her blog editing and posting, but we did celebrate Mother's Day and, of course, we have some photos of the festivities.

To be honest, I was pretty happy when Mother's Day was finally over. I feel like it was a week long this year; between having to plan, shop, the kids show at school and the actual day. The celebrations started with the school's Mother's Day performances. We added some videos (at the bottom of the blog). Henry and Cole both did well and participated. Henry was a little too wild, but the teachers love him so much they don't seem to care.

For presents, I let the boys go shopping at Target. I talked to them beforehand and Cole instantly came up with lipstick or earrings. Henry's first thought was sausage (we were eating breakfast sausage at the time). He thought Mom would maybe want to try it. Before Target I made them grab $2.00 from their piggy banks. I thought it would maybe mean more if they'd pay for the gifts or teach them about money or something...I don't know and I don't read parenting stuff. At Target we stopped by the earrings and I directed Cole to the clearance section. He carefully looked around and picked the pair that sparkled a lot. It took two laps around Target before Henry finally picked out Reese's Puffs cereal. I explained that it should be something Mom likes, not something he wanted. He stuck with the cereal. I guess it is better than Cole's suggestions. First, he said, "Mom likes little boys. We could get her a new little boy." For his second thought he said, "tighty whiteys."

I also helped the boys make a card. I made a card out of some wood pieces and let the boys decorate it and glued on some photos. Although she is not my Mother and I am not required to do a single thing for her, in the morning I fed Bella, let Bella outside and made coffee. All Kristin jobs. Yeah, she's a pretty lucky lady.

On Mother's Day, we went to the Great's house for brunch, then stopped by Dorothy's to say hi and finally to the Normal's house. A long but fun day. Hopefully the Mother's enjoyed it.

Mother's Day pics;

Don't tell Bampa the boys where jumping on the new furniture.

Other pics:

I have a lot of projects going. Sanding is about all the boys can do at this point, but it helps.

My completed dresser stuff holder. 

I caught this one eating while peeing.

Hen didn't want to get dress without seeing if his favorite shirt was clean.

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