Friday, April 3, 2015

The Replacements

With an injured Great Grandma and Normal Grandma out of town for 2 weeks, the boys have had several replacement babysitters. We have gotten good reports on their behavior, so that makes us happy. Thankfully we have a decent sized village willing to take the boys.

Carol and Mike Kennedy...taught Cole the double finger and the physics of the Slinky. The boys had so much fun with the Kennedy's I'm tempted to take a vacation day and go over there myself.

First Day

Second Day with the Kennedy's (not in a row)

Auntie the raw end of this deal (as she always does because we never pay her) but both boys were sick and only wanted to lay on her and snuggle. We are lucky they were home with someone who loves them so much. It should be noted that Aunt Jess is also a better dog babysitter than we are dog parents. She always takes Bella outside for exercise and this time she bought Bella treats and a toy. A toy! Bella has not had a toy since 2007.

Amy/Jenny...the most notable anecdote from this visit was when Henry slapped himself in his crotch and asked Amy if it was funny when he did it. She was able to say a firm, "NO" before hiding in the kitchen and laughing. He also told Kristin that Amy didn't feed him lunch, just "80 snacks." 80 snacks is believable because Hen can definitely put it away. but he has never been one to skip a meal.

Kristin was able to leave work in time to take Cole to his T-ball lesson, but missed Henry's which is held right before Cole's. Instead of just telling Henry the time didn't work out and sadly he had to miss it she told him that Coach Ben didn't ask him back because his behavior was so bad last time (see previous post). Harsh. I mean, Henry deserved to not be asked back because his behavior was terrible, but this seemed awfully mean. And his misbehavior was so long ago.

Aunt Amy, Cousins Lisa & Walt...too bad this group of babysitters lives in Ohio because the boys had so much fun they were sound asleep for the night at 6:15 p.m. after a day with their cousins.

I'm still not sure which is harder to believe:  That Grandma fractured her hip or that Gregg and I did not win the bags tourney.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time for the boys. :)
    What park are they at? John would love the rock wall!
