Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Moving still sucks

Well, we are still busy getting settled in and organized in the new house. We are feeling pretty disorganized and just had to spend two nights in Pewaukee at Great Grandma's and Grandpa's house because the new house stunk after getting the ceiling re-stained, which may or may not have turned out too dark. Fingers crossed.

We did manage to hit up a church fest, which was fun. The boys were pretty brave on the rides. Henry did chicken out of the fun house though.

The boys have enjoyed sleeping in the same room. Again, a result of stinky paint and only 1 air purifier.
Not too long ago, Henry declared that he could "eat all day." Another time, after dropping off Cole at a friend's house, Hen said he was too sad to eat. He then wolfed down this muffin...I guess he wasn't that sad.
Insisted on wearing the bday crown to his last day of school. It was not his bday.

Our first wall hanging in the new house.

Cole at a pirate themed bday party.

Arrr, me undies be riding up me crack.
Can't help but show off this nice looking catch.

I hope you didn't get too excited about seeing pics of the boys on the rides at the church fest (I know you didn't, except for Grandma DJ). My phone died, so Kristin was in charge of taking pictures. She took three. Yep, three. And the three she took are horrible. And all three were taken within the first two minutes there. Not one additional photo the entire time. Clearly she does not care about the boys, me or memories.

Cole's been into jokes lately. His first joke:

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Banana puss.

He had another one about how you knock over a sign. Answer: with a bike. I don't really get it.
I guess we will have to look up some good kid jokes as the ones I know are not appropriate.

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