Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween celebrations started for the boys on Wednesday with a costume party at school. Easily the highlight of Halloween this year is that Kristin was the ONLY parent that dressed up to help with the school party. Holy shit! I feel bad, but that is hilarious. Kristin went as a cowgirl (with a hat), Cole a shark (again) and Henry Lightning McQueen. Cars isn't exactly the newest fad, but it was a cheap costume he was willing to wear (which my Dad paid for to get out of having to help make a rocket ship costume). Maybe if I ask him to build me a car he'll buy me a new one instead.

On Halloween night, we went to Gammie and Bampa's house for a Halloween party. Grammie Debbie made awesome snacks and food and we were joined by the Kroners and Schilzs. Sadly, about 10 minutes into trick or treat it started to rain, we toughed it out for a bit but it got bad enough that we stepped it up to a jog on the way home. It was still a success though as we headed home with a giant bag of candy.

One quick pic of all the kids before we headed out
Note Henry's light-up Devil scepter - that was not an accident
Finally inside from the rainy trick or treating.

A glimpse of Henry at school in the future...nothing in his desk but food. I just hope future Henry has his shirt on.
Not a Halloween picture, but the boys claimed they were dressed up as super heroes

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