Friday, November 2, 2012


I took off work last Monday to go with Kristin and Cole to check out his potential future preschool. This makes me feel old. It probably doesn't help that I recently turned 33 and, as mentioned before, we now own a mini-van. Cole loved his school and joined right in all the activities like he had been attending for months. He cried when it was time to leave, so we will be sending in the paperwork and deposit and he will start on Wednesday, November 7th. I hope the drop off goes well. We have been talking about it a lot and reading Llama Llama Misses Mama (about a llama who goes to preschool) so hopefully he will be prepared. It may be a different story when Mom and Dad don't stick around. I don't know how brave Cole will be at school by himself...or how brave we will be leaving him behind. Updates to come of course!

All set for school

Mad we are going home and not staying at school

We just told him we were leaving soon