Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kid Activity Update

Kristin came up with the idea to set a timer when we want Cole to do something. For example, before it is time to go up to bed we "set the timer." This was working great for awhile but now I think it is starting to bite us in the ass a bit. We can't do anything now without setting the timer. We usually have to just set it for a few seconds, so we can get through a day. Recently Cole thinks he can take control of the situation and if the timer goes off before he is ready, he wants to "set it again."

Cole is obsessed with band-aids. If he keeps it up it may break our budget. Right now he is down to one on his forehead and one on his finger. You may have seen him at some point with band-aids on most fingers, his forehead and/or feet and hands and knees. When out in public and people ask Cole what happened, he tells a story about how he was jumping on the bed and fell off or pinched his finger...both true stories...both happened in early June.

Cole is certainly growing up and becoming more independent. On one morning, Cole was the first one downstairs. By the time Kristin came down she found that he had helped himself to a cookie for breakfast. I'm not sure when he decided he could do that, but he did. We can't be too mad though. He even got himself a bowl to put his cookie in. Nice to see he is at least neat about it. It looks like we will have to adjust our parenting a little and rearrange the pantry and put Cole snacks up top.

Since Cole is becoming so mature, we have started the elimination of nuks plan - again. We have Cole talking about how he is a big boy now and doesn't need his nuks. He agrees and we even have a plan to give them to another baby. On Monday it was Zoey Schilz, today it was Charlotte Kroner. Of course, when Kristin tried to have Cole pack up the nuks to give away, he panicked and couldn't go through with it. He has given up a couple, so I guess that is progress. We are also still behind in getting Cole to his big boy bed and are continuing to work on potty training. I keep hearing other parents achieving these milestones with kids younger than Cole, so I am starting to feel a whole lot of pressure to get Cole off his nuks, into a big boy bed and out of diapers...that is a lot to tackle.

Finally, I'm proud to say Cole's favorite song at the moment is "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister. He loves listening to it and even sings.

Henry is walking very well now. He cruises around the house, usually laughing all the way. He is still crazy about food and constantly wants to eat. We are pretty much down to a morning and nighttime bottle, but hopefully he'll be completely off the formula soon. It will be nice to cut down that Target bill. As I believe we mentioned previously, Cole has started to dunk his face under water. Well, Henry saw this and decided to copy him. Cole's achievement has definitely been watered down (pun intended) now that Henry also already goes underwater.



1 comment:

  1. Is Cole reading a Geronimo Stilton book in the post titled "Killing Time". If so, I'm going to lose my mind. I feel like the last parent in the world to have introduced these to Cohen. He just received book #1 and I felt like a failure at Barnes and Noble purchasing the first not 47th one!
