Friday, December 16, 2011

Shopping Requirements

I thought this to be an appropriate post with Christmas on its way. Over the years, all two of them, my little men have received some questionable gifts ranging from girl toys and girl clothes to well, things I just don’t like or deem appropriate for tough guys like Cole and Henry.  I decided this list was necessary when Kristin and her Mom recently went birthday cake shopping for Cole. Kristin sent me two pics of cakes they were considering. One was a cake with some construction equipment, trucks and things like that. The other was of some sissy-looking dog in a doghouse. They ended up buying the construction site cake, but just the consideration of the others makes me nervous. Kristin also sent Christmas stocking options for Henry. Two of the three choices were clearly for girls. I created the list below to help guide Kristin and the grandmas when they go shopping for the boys. I hope it helps.

Things encouraged

1. Balls: If it involves balls it's okay. (Lets be adults and not make any bad jokes here).

2. Trucks, cars, and motorcycles

3. Sports: Brewers, Packers, and Badger items are all permitted. Even Admirals, UWM Panthers, and Marquette items are acceptable. (Milwaukee Wave stuff is still under consideration, but probably won't be allowed).

5. Animals: Items involving animals are okay as long as they are not dressed up in any cutesy manner.

6. Super Heroes: Super hero stuff is fine. Even Wonder Women stuff as long as she is properly posed in her skimpy outfit.

Things to avoid

1. Nothing pink. If it is pink or partly pink just put it back.

2. No dolls and please understand the difference between dolls and action figures. Action figures are allowed.

3. No Pokemon, fake pets, or whatever the latest craze is in weird kids stuff. There's always something. Let's just stick to normal toys.

4. For further clarification - super hero stuff is allowed; however, solo Robin gear is not. The Batman is required.

5. Anything with or involving flowers is obviously not allowed.

Generally speaking, when in doubt don't buy it. Otherwise you know how to reach me to double check.

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