Monday, February 1, 2010

Case of the Mondays

As some may know, I have taken off Mondays thru April to hang out with Cole and to allow Grandma Chris some relief. Here is how my first day went... Our day started off with a great big throw up. While on the changing table, Cole blew up like Old Faithful and puked all over the place. I initially hadn't planned to give him a bath until later, but the puking episode negated my plan. Cole did great in the tub. He didn't cry or make a peep. I now believe it was because he knew how pointless that bath was going to be, and the joke was on me. What seemed like minutes out of the tub, in his nice new outfit, Cole puked again. Not as bad as the first, but enough to require a change. Luckily, the "poop on the onesie" incident happened before I had a chance to change him. That saved an outfit. I will spare you the details. As I undertook putting on another outfit for the day, I realized just how much having a baby must be like playing with dolls. Cole typically goes through a couple outfits during the day and then a couple sets of pajamas throughout the night. I try to have Cole do some stuff (e.g. play with a ball, hold a fake weapon, etc.), so he is more like an action figure than a doll. It makes things a little more manly for me. With that said, I did enjoy putting his second outfit together (see picture below). I even put some little shoes on him. (He tied them himself, not bad for a ginger baby.)

Anyway, the day went pretty well overall. I went through three shirts myself, but Cole is alive and well.


  1. HAHA, and you thought Monday's off would be sweet...sucker! I'd take an 8am Monday morning meeting over all that vomit.
