Monday, June 10, 2019

Chess, Scouts, Haircuts and Hurt Eyes

Obviously a bit of a random post judging from the title. It's exciting stuff for us though. The biggest news is the babies getting their first haircuts. I'm used to them now, but it took a day or two. They look so different and old.

Cole participated in his first chess tournament. He won 3 of 5 games, which is worthy of a participation medal (the same as going 0 for 5). He had fun and he was pretty happy with the 3 wins. There were a lot of kids and some had some pretty serious experience. Like one kid had a notebook to track all the moves.

Another River Rats camping trip. It's always the same. I will say that Cole crushed the climbing wall and Henry dominated the Ninja Warrior line thing. He tucked in that shirt and started to go across no feet and skipping holds...all kinds of crazy shit.

Henry got his in the eye with a baseball. I always tell them, "Catch with your hands, not your face." Maybe now he'll listen.

I got artsy!

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