Friday, August 31, 2018

Vacation Recap

Before I go into the vacation events, I am very happy to share that Ryan and I won the Pewaukee Bass Classic. 

The trophy. Feels so good to have it back. 

My vacation really started with taking off Friday for a fishing trip with the big boys and Ryan. Once again, we had an awesome trip fishing with Ryan. For this trip we went out on the Nemahbins. We had a pretty good day. No one got skunked. The boys both had completely solo catches. 

I went to park my car and found these dum dums in the water already. We hadn't even launched the boat yet. 

First catch of the day. 

Henry caught a perch. 

We didn't get fished out so the next day (or day after that), we went to the Elm Grove pond to try and find some bass. Sadly, no luck on the bass, but we caught some very very tiny pan fish. The boys have decided to kiss the fish (like Ryan). It's apparently good luck.

Cole netted maybe the smallest fish I've ever seen caught. 
Following the fishing I did venture down to Chicago for a Smashing Pumpkins concert, but I'm sure no one wants to hear about that. So, on to the actual family vacation. 

We didn't do a good job in just deciding whether to leave Wednesday or Thursday, so come Wednesday the boys and I decide we'd like to leave, so we had to rush to get packed up and ready to go. Of course, much of this falls on Kristin, so she wasn't thrilled. 

We decided to stop in Green Bay and grab a hotel room (actually two), so the boys could do some swimming and at least break up the car ride a little bit. 

Cole working on his journal. I was hoping he'd keep this up all trip, so I could just use it for the blog, but after the first day he didn't write too much. 

On Thursday we stopped in Escanaba and met up with Gregg, Debbie, Ben and Kim.

We're back! (if you didn't know we went here last year)

The ferry ride is always fun.

Last year we planned to tour the fort on the last day, but it was rainy and we were heading out, so it didn't happen. This year we made sure to go. I was actually surprised how much the boys liked walking around and looking at the old buildings and exhibits.

On our way up to the fort

Almost is quite a hill. 

Made it!

Other activities included a bike ride around the entire island, swimming, kite flying, rock skipping, mini golf, chilling on the yard, and of course a lot of eating and drinking. I think at one point Cole was up to five cheeseburgers in three days. Questionable parenting right there. 

Henry's first Oh Henry bar. The shirt tuck is a new style he has been experimenting with lately.

Babies were not always having fun. I think this is Louie, but Gus really didn't like vacation. Hopefully he changes his attitude. 

These boys had a wild last night on the island and stayed up until almost midnight.

I just really love the yard out front at Mission Point Resort.
That's a big ship.
We drove home Sunday. The boys' late night came back to bite us a bit. Henry was losing it for awhile. He was super pissed about the air quality in the mini van. Luckily he pulled out of it and the ride home wasn't entirely him complaining.

Sad faces since we have to leave. 

Doesn't look like she's happy with me. Although, I'm the one with the wife in a fanny pack, so I'm not sure what she's complaining about. 

Eating the one piece of fudge purchased and brought home. I'm just not a big fan of fudge. No offence Mackinac. 
 Normal Grandma also brought home some pasties. We had them for dinner the other night. They were okay. The ham and cheese one was actually pretty good.

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