Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Favorite Cole Sayings

We try to be fair and blog about both kids, but obviously we'll have to leave Henry out of this one. It's not our fault he doesn't talk and say funny things. Anyway, below are some of our favorite Cole sayings.
  1. I hate to be sappy, but I do love hearing Cole say “Come here” when he wants to give a hug.
  2. Since I’m being lame, of course, Cole saying “I wuv you” is pretty great to hear.
  3. Once, as I was carrying Cole downstairs in the morning he instructed Kristin, “Get baby. Chop chop, Mamma” in a very stern voice…now that is how you talk to a lady. And obviously he is mimicking one of my favorite lines since I am always telling Kristin to "chop-chop." The girl is always running late.
  4. He has really been playing up the double negatives lately; some of his favorites are "I not no tired anymore," after waking up from a nap. Or when he is getting his diaper changed, " I not no poop!"
  5. When Henry wakes up from a nap and starts to fuss, Cole will put a hand to his ear and say, "I hear something." Of course this translates to all situations and he is often cocking an ear and saying he hears something when there is nothing to hear.
  6. When we tuck Cole in at night we usually say, "Goodnight, see you tomorrow." So now whenever Cole says goodbye to us he adds ,"See you tomorrow." As in goodbye, I am going into the other room for a toy..."see you tomorrow."
  7. "Black Trapezoid." Cole has a shapes puzzle at Grammie Stear's and he is pretty good naming the shapes and colors. Hearing him say trapezoid just sounds weird.
  8. "Bye People." This is obviously said when departing from a group of three or more people.

I thought I would share the one and only picture from when the guys went out last Friday night. This is how it ended for Steve and Brett.

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